Sunday, September 22, 2013


09/14/13 GMT 2040 hrs
I have been living in this 5 x 4 meter structure, the one that you see in the picture below,  for more than two years now. it was initially a single room 4 x 3 sq meters. A varandah was added later on and it gradually got changed into a sort of anteroom where I can do the cooking and keep my washing machine and things. There is running water.

Electricity was there from the very beginning – the 75 – 135 volts supply for which I was paying at Rs. Seven per kWh from the construction connection. Now I have a separate regular connection for this place though I had to pay Rs. 10,000/- for a post which I had to purchase and the connection was established in just ten days from the date of paying. And the voltage is now a steady 230 volts! The KSEB can do it all if they want!

The mud track has been changed into a proper road and only the metalling is remaining and I no more have to put up with the back breaking half a kilometer bike journey upto the junction.
So things have improved drastically in the last two years; but the most important thing for some one like me who of course cannot be a chooser is that every year I am staying here I am saving >Rs.50,000/- on house rent alone ( the last time I was in a rented house I was paying 4000 per month – of course it had a "swimming pool" and "air conditioning" and all which made it worthwhile ) and that way I think I have recovered half of the money I have expended on the shack ! And the shack is still very much there.

Looking back I find that some of the finest moments in my dreary life of the recent past are the ones I had spent sitting in the court yard of this very humble abode of mine watching the starlit sky – the night sky here is also beautiful as it is all over the earth. A renowned british astronomer I had the good fortune to listen to was heard recollecting how she used to wonder about the velvety blackness in between the shining bodies rather than the stars themselves ! That is a genius at work and NOT an ordinary mortal relaxSingh.

I mostly sit here in my arm chair, many a time well into the wee hours of the morning, facing the north thereby shutting off all the neighbouring houses of the locality from my vision – the northern side has no houses.
When the occasional meteorite streaks down and burns out I religiously make a wish – there is no harm trying and - never give in!
The most prominent of the heavenly bodies that  I can identify, is the greatBear which is visible in the northern sky in my area almost throughout the year, except perhaps for a few months.

As hours pass by,
( remember
It is not time that is passing by;
it is you and I” )
as hours pass by, the great bear turns round and by the early hours of the morning the constellation is standing on its head; but the first two stars at the head end have themselves oriented in the same direction, always pointing to the north, to the north star to be precise.
And that is how you make out the North. In fact I owe my ability to identify a few of the constellations to the night navigation classes. The north star is in line with the line joining the second and first star ahead of the first star by seven times the distance between the first and the second star, that is if I remember correctly.
The seven stars of the great bear according to indian mythology are the sapthaRishees, the seven great saints of hinduism. And the north star is Dhruva.
Dhruva's is the first reported case of child abuse in Indian mythology. The little prince was forced to leave his house at a very tender age by his step mother. But dhruva had a dotting mother and with her blessings was able to please the gods with his thapasya. The gods impressed with the kid's devotional fervor elevated dhruva to stardom and a special place was allotted to him in the heavens - so says the myth.
By their peculiar positioning the two rishees dutifully watching over the child probably are ensuring that little dhruva is never out of their sight.
I invoke the sapthaRishees:-
“Great seers, bear me Witness.”
& & & & &

this addendum is about a cartoon I had seen long back - I am afraid the word cartoon cannot do justice to this particular piece of creative genius; but with my limited vocabulary I cannot find a better terminology.
Two migratory birds, a mother and her this year's chick were flying high in the sky. The mother referring to the man with a pair of spy glasses on the ground below instructs her young one :
look carefully and you can see dr. salim ali watching us.”
Where do I fit in, as the mother or the chick ?
oh No; I am not the father; she wont have me.
  •  dr. salim ali by the way is an indian ornithologist of very high repute
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